Among the hundreds of vital decisions you face when creating a strategic marketing plan during a merger or acquisition, perhaps the most important is what to call the companies involved in the transaction. Should the two companies operate under different names? Should the acquired company transition to the acquiring company’s name? Or should you create a brand-new name altogether?

In this Forbes article, SCORR’s Roger Boutin draws on his years of M&A experience to offer unique insight into the intricacies of M&A naming and helpful guidance on determining your own strategy.

About the Author

Roger Boutin, MBA

Vice President of Communications

With 15 years of CRO/drug development experience, Roger is an authority in the drug development industry who knows how to connect strategy and tactics to improve our clients’ ROI. He also brings his experience and insights to his role as the leader of SCORR’s M&A team. He directs the delivery of content, public relations, and communications, working collaboratively and strategically to help clients reach their goals. Roger has led two rebrands for a top 10, global CRO, giving him a perspective that drives him to deliver innovative, yet practical solutions for our clients’ marketing challenges.