Time for Your FREE Digital Health Check & In-Depth
Competitor Analysis 

Your online presence can be your most compelling salesperson — but what if it isn’t? 

Not all digital marketing strategies live up to the rising standards of an always-online audience, and it takes mere seconds to make or break a positive impression on your prospects. This is why SCORR recommends regular digital health checks for all growth-oriented life science organizations.  

Every digital health check evaluates the five most critical components of your online presence, and it is entirely free of charge. What’s more, we will include an in-depth comparison of the competitor of your choice alongside our analysis of each category: 


Is your page speed optimized?

Is your website mobile friendly?


Are there clear calls to action? 

Does your website meet
all accessibility guidelines?


Are your pages backlinked
and keyword rich? 

Where do you fall in your
first page rankings? 


Are your ads finding the right
people at the right time? 

Do you have established KPIs for
search engine advertising? 


Is your content consistent in
both tone and quality? 

Do your social platforms provide
thought leadership opportunities?

Let’s find out how your online presence measures up against your competition! Every component of the digital health check is customized to your specific organization and chosen competitor along with follow-up insights and suggested action items so you can ensure you’re empowering your most engaging touchpoints. 

Request a FREE Digital Health Check Now! 

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Let’s set up a quick discovery call.