Celerion Recognized as 2020 CRO Leadership Champion for Reliability and Receives CRO Leadership Award for Capabilities, Compatibility, Expertise, and Quality

Celerion is proud to announce, for the fifth consecutive year, recognition of its early stage research development services across five categories in the 2020 CRO Leadership Awards sponsored by Life Science Leader and Industry Standard Research.
Both small and large pharma respondents highlighted Celerion as a top performer in categories including Capabilities, Compatibility, Expertise, and Quality. Importantly, small pharma respondents overwhelmingly recognized Celerion as a Leadership Champion for Reliability.
“It is very meaningful to receive the recognition across multiple categories, but to stand out as a reliable partner is most important. These awards coincide with our 10-year anniversary of Celerion’s formation — what we refer to as “A Decade of Translating Science into Medicine,” said Susan Thornton, Ph.D., Celerion CEO. “Celerion has achieved global recognition as the premier provider of early stage clinical research, building upon the legacy of our predecessor, Harris Laboratories, where clinical pharmacology research services were initiated over 50 years ago. Now more than ever, Celerion’s employees are motivated every day by knowing that their work impacts the delivery of new medicines that touch the lives of our friends, families, and people in need around the world affected by the current Covid-19 pandemic.”
Ed Miseta, executive editor, Life Science Leader, added, “We believe the CROs receiving an award this year are truly at the top of their class and are deserving of this recognition. Being a top performer in any of these categories shows a level of expertise and commitment to clinical trials and serving the needs of biopharmaceutical companies and their patients.”
About Celerion Inc.
Celerion, a global leader in early clinical research services, “Translates Science into Medicine” with its powerful combination of scientific excellence, medical expertise, and clinical operations experience to give clients the confidence to make fast, accurate decisions about their drug development path during the crucial early development period.
For 50 years, Celerion has provided industry leadership and execution of safety/tolerability, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamics studies in highly controlled clinical environments such as first-in-human dose escalation, drug-drug interaction, cardiac safety, bioequivalence and bioavailability, metabolism and excretion program, as well as pharmacokinetic evaluations in patients with impaired renal or hepatic function.
Celerion completes the offering with data management, biostatistics, clinical monitoring, and bioanalytical services. Our founding mission is to help our clients get their drugs to market quickly so that they touch the lives of our families, friends, and people in need around the world. For more information, please visit