Haematologic Technologies Is Now Prolytix, Integrating to Support Growing Large Molecule Market

Haematologic Technologies (“HT”), a global analytical and bioanalytical leader for large molecule drug development, today announced they’ll be operating under the new name, Prolytix — integrating HT and Haemtech Biopharma Services. This integration is bringing biotherapeutic, analytical CMC, and bioanalytical CRO services, expertise, and facilities together to support the growing need for analytical and bioanalytical services for large molecules.
“There is a growing demand for biopharmaceutical products across the globe right now, which has resulted in a surge of needed analytical and bioanalytical services to support the research, development, and commercialization of large molecule biotherapeutics as well as plasma-based reagents for research,” said Prolytix CEO David Sunseri, Ph.D. “Biotherapeutics, including proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, cell and gene therapies, are vital and Prolytix now has combined capabilities and expertise for all routine to complex biotherapeutic projects.”
Research reports estimate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the large molecule bioanalytical testing services market alone will be 9.5% until 2028, which, the company states they have seen an increase for as well as their analytical CMC services. As more biotech companies, pharmaceutical companies, and CROs outsource analytical and bioanalytical services, Prolytix remains focused on integrated services to stay ahead of this growth. Prolytix recently added a high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) lab and will continue to be a leading global supplier of research reagents, custom formulated in vitro diagnostics/point of care device reagents, and customized blood collection tubes for clinical trials.
“On March 1, we became Prolytix to integrate our wide and growing expertise in protein chemistry and analytical and bioanalytical services,” Dr. Sunseri said. “We remain a go-to partner for all projects and continue to offer direct access to our scientific team throughout the course of a project — ensuring accurate results faster to bring life changing and lifesaving therapies to patients.”
For more information about the future as Prolytix for large molecule bioanalysis services, visit their new website.
About Prolytix
Prolytix, formerly Haematologic Technologies (HT), is a leading provider of analytical and bioanalytical services to support the research, development, and commercialization of large molecule biotherapeutics and reagents for coagulation research. Prolytix builds on 30+ years of expertise to identify and solve the most complex large molecule challenges. Visit us at