Global Genes, Leaders in Life Sciences and Pharma, and Informa’s Biotech Showcase™ Partner to Connect Rare Disease Advocates, Investors and Companies at RARE Beyond the Square

Global Genes®, a leading rare disease patient advocacy organization, announced a partnership with the organizers of the Biotech Showcase to virtually host RARE Beyond the Square Jan. 11-14, 2021, to highlight rare disease innovation, share information, and facilitate partnering and networking among companies, investors, and rare disease communities.
RARE Beyond the Square plants a flag for rare disease in the midst of a seminal gathering of global leaders that sets trends and investment priorities in healthcare for the year. Three sessions focused on patient-centered drug development, value frameworks for novel therapies in rare disease, and platform approaches to gene therapies will be featured during RARE Beyond the Square, along with a Biotech Bike Ride fundraising event and film selection by The Disorder Channel entitled Unfixed: Rare Families on How COVID-19 Connects Us.
“This is an event and time of year when industry, investors and others are determining how emerging science and technologies are going to transform healthcare markets,” said Craig Martin, interim CEO, Global Genes. “Patient communities are playing an increasingly critical role in collaborative research and drug development – especially in rare disease – which is why we wanted the rare community to be part of Biotech Showcase.” All rare disease patients, advocates, and partners are welcome to attend this year’s event virtually from Jan. 11-14, 2021. Visit the event page to register.
RARE Beyond the Square is supported by bluebird bio, Charles River Laboratories, Cure Rare Disease, Deerfield Management, Sarepta Therapeutics, UCB, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
About Global Genes®
Global Genes is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating the burdens and challenges of rare diseases for patients and families globally. In pursuit of our mission, we connect, empower and inspire the rare disease community to stand up, stand out, and become more effective on their own behalf – helping to spur innovation, meet essential needs, build capacity and knowledge, and drive progress within and across rare diseases. We serve more than 400 million people around the globe and nearly 1 in 10 Americans affected by rare diseases. If you or someone you love has a rare disease or are searching for a diagnosis, contact Global Genes at 949-248-RARE or visit our resource hub.